Clean Living /
October 5, 2021

Stewardship of Creation

“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” (Psalm 24:1)

Let’s keep the steward conversation going. Today I want to focus on being good stewards, or caretakers, of creation. This big beautiful earth we call home is a GIFT. I am so blessed to live in one of the most magnificent corners of the globe – the natural beauty of Kauai is still breathtaking to me 30 years later.

I have also been super fortunate to get to travel a lot for surfing, and various forms of work and family adventure. The diverse beauty of the Kansas plains and the islands of Fiji and the jungle of Costa Rica are all spectacular, each in their own way. From the expanse of the ocean to the minute details of a leaf, God displays his artistry, craftsmanship, and power through creation. I’m certain that there is beautiful creation wherever you live too!

“Reverence for nature is compatible with willingness to accept responsibility for a creative stewardship of the earth.” – Rene Dubos

“When we fail to see the world as God’s creation, we will end up abusing it. Selfishness and greed take over, and we end up not caring about the environment or the problems we’re creating for future generations.” – Billy Graham

Hopefully our appreciation and awe of nature is accompanied by our desire to protect and preserve it. It makes me so sad when I see trash in the ocean, or bad habits like single-use plastic become the norm; these are two areas where I focus when it comes to caring for the earth. We can take little steps in our own daily life to reduce waste and take better care of the land and the ocean we have been given.

I believe living a more natural lifestyle overall is a great way to let your actions speak for themselves. Also, aiming to live less of the American consumerism life style. Let’s do our part!

Check out my post 30 Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste for some practical suggestions!

Journal it

What truth has God opened your eyes to see? Take a moment to reflect; writing down any of your thoughts, questions, and prayers in response.

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