Pull Out the Better Story in Your Life – A Virtual Chat with ‘Here and Now’ Author Kate Merrick
Being Present is one of my passion topics lately. Motherhood and marriage have driven that passion and helped keep me accountable to strive for a less distracted life. I truly believe that living out life “being present” will result in good changes, deeper connections, more fun, and increased peace and gratitude.
Last August I introduced you to Kate Merrick , my first guest for my Unstoppable Year Course. Kate’s newest book is called “Here and Now: Unearthing Peace and Presence in an Overconnected World” and she has so much wisdom on this topic. I’ve seen and heard what a difference diving into this topic has made for my course participants that I wanted to have another chat with Kate that I could share with everyone. While I would have preferred sitting together on a couch, our chat had to be virtual due to Covid-19, but it was certainly fun regardless.
We kicked off our conversation with a question I’ve been getting a lot lately – how do you get “your people” to join you in being more present when it is something you are striving for? Kate reminded us that the only people we can control are ourselves and leading by example is the most powerful tool. We all have a sphere of influence and actions speak louder than words. If you are trying to reduce screen time in order to be more present with your loved ones, make the changes you want to see for yourself, keep with it, and others may naturally catch on and join you. Kids usually follow their parents’ lead too!
Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is stepping back and enjoying your time.
We also talked about getting back to the heart of being present, and that is…contentment. As Kate put it, “we don’t have to buy what we are being sold.” Often what we are being sold in the world of social media leads to discontentment; that is, messages that we could have a better house/body/job/friends/life, messages that we aren’t enough. The goal, the end game of contentment is, “Living your actual life, accepting it for what it is, and making the absolute most of it. Pulling out the better story.” The better story is YOUR story… every time…because you are the only one who gets to live your life and own your story.
Pull up a comfy chair, or go for a refreshing walk with Kate and me where you’ll get practical tips, challenging questions, personal stories, and permission to not be productive all the time 🙂 You can also be free from being overconnected too!
I hope you find some words of encouragement here that will speak straight to your heart and help you take a step to be more present in your one and only beautiful life!
For more posts on my favorite topic of Being Present check out Practice Makes Present and Life is More Beautiful When We Are Present.
Or if you are ready to deep dive on this topic then jump on in to the course with us!