COVID-19 Response: 2,500 Free Memberships
The Announcement / Who is it for? / Apply Here / The Course / Nominate Others
Why this? Why now?
While our governments are giving new orders every day and scrambling to stop the spread of this virus, the global community is doing all it can to stay healthy and cope with the massive changes happening around them. It’s easy for fear, insecurity and even anger to be the primary emotions we give in to. Fortunately, we are a resilient and loving community.
And while there is a fair amount of ugliness out there, I have been so inspired by the truly beautiful parts of humanity pouring out. Compassion, caring for each other’s practical needs and true generosity are all bursting out from within.
So my team and I asked ourselves, how can we be generous? What do we have and how can it help? The answer was so clear…
In light of these incredibly challenging times, I’ve decided to give away 2,500 free memberships (worth about $500,000) to my course to help people rise to the occasion, truly be present and overcome their obstacles in this time of crisis.
Watch the video announcement.
Who is this for?
This is available to anyone, anywhere.
We’re starting with 2,500 memberships, but we hope we can give away even more by the end of this.
Can you donate?
On that note, if you’re someone with the means and you would like to donate a chunk of memberships along with us, please reach out to [email protected] and we’ll figure it out together.
Can you afford it?
If you are able to afford this course, consider purchasing it for yourself (and even someone else to do it with you) and leaving more spots open for those who can’t. If you’re willing to be that generous, we’d love to extend a generous discount to you! Click Here.
We’ve already seen this course change so many lives and we know it can do the same for so many more.
To apply for a membership, please complete the form below:
Apply now with this quick form.
Please let us know a bit about yourself below. These responses are only for our eyes only and we’ll never sell or spam your email.
We’ll work through these applications over the next few weeks, so don’t worry if you don’t hear back right away. If you want to get in now, feel free to purchase the course and if you are selected to receive it free, we’ll refund the cost. We’re so excited to be in this journey with you.
More about the course…
Click here to learn more about the 12-month program. Take a peek and the life-changing topics we dive into as well as the incredible guests we invite in to help guide you. It is truly changing our members’ lives. There are hundreds of stories just like John’s here…

Nominate someone who deserves this.
If you know anyone out there who would benefit from this course and who you think should get it free, please nominate them here. We can only reach so many people so the only way we’ll know is if you nominate them here. We’ll send a quick email off to them that letting them know they’ve been nominated and allowing them to confirm that they’d like to be entered.
*Refresh this page as many times as you’d like to continue nominating those you care for!
Thank you so much for your generosity.
** Use this section for nominating others only. ***
If you would like to apply yourself, please use the application form on this page.
An Invitation
And if you’re looking for one final encouragement before jumping in, here is an invitation from Bethany to the course. You’re going to love it.
We’re rooting for you.
We’re all in this together.