Be You /
December 7, 2018


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I want to stand upright, confident, and brave when life blows hurricane winds my way. “With God, I am strong.”

I want to not fear when it feels like the earth is falling all around me. “God has me in His arms.”

I want to keep my eyes fixed on God’s call for my life; steadfast, and undeterred by external circumstances. “God has the best in mind for me.”


Do you agree? But so many times we may not. Instead we may be susceptible to falling over like a redwood, uprooted, when the winds come. Worry may grip us. We can be weighed down by self-doubt with thoughts that say, “I should have done better”, “I wish I acted differently”, “I can’t believe”, or “I didn’t trust.”

Jeremiah 17:7 says: “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord.”

Colossians 2:6-7 states: “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”

With the help of God, let’s be this kind woman: full, complete, with entire trust and rooted in God.

When I’m unstoppable, I live each day firmly rooted in God’s strength and love.

Join me in praying:

Dear God, You say in Jeremiah 17:8 that the faithful will be “like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.” God, help me to planted in you so that like Jeremiah, I will not fear when the heat comes. I want to be rooted in you so that, “my leaves will always be green even in a year of drought and I will never fail to bear fruit.” Help me to be rooted in you Lord. – Amen


Take Action:

It’s easy to get distorted images of ourselves, and one way this can happen is when we plant our roots (i.e. our identity) in things other than the Lord. Whether the thing we’re planted in is good or clearly negative, if it isn’t God then we are asking our roots to grow in foreign, lifeless soil. But God wants to restore our vision, and our roots! Let’s start restoring our vision, and replanting our roots today by calling out a scripture that speaks truth about your security in Christ. Post it with #BUnstoppable .

Journal it

Picture a large tree… standing tall and unshakable over many years, with roots extending deep beneath the soil, like a network of tiny anchors holding it firm through the fiercest of storms. In what area of your life are you needing to be more rooted, so you can stand a bit taller or with more confidence when the winds of life blow? How can you open yourself up to receiving more of God’s nourishment and sustenance?

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