My Passion For Parenting
I’m definitely still a new mother in many ways I would say. My oldest, Tobias, is seven and so I’m kind of still trying to soak up everything I can to learn about this whole motherhood thing.
I don’t have all the answers! But, for all you parents out there, I would like to share with you a couple things that have been really helpful and encouraging for me in this journey.
1. Soak Up Time with Your Kids
Prioritize intentional, quality-time with them – time where you can focus on them and really meet them where they are at. Find things that you like to do together and maximize those!
Adam and I are having so much fun with our boys! We’re kind of just continuing the same life we had previously of being outside in nature and adventuring, but now we bring them along for the ride. We spend a lot of time in the ocean and Tobias is a little surfer boy now, which is just so rad! Before he goes to bed, we ask him what he’s thankful for and he usually says, ‘waves’ 😆. Every time he says that, my heart gives a little leap! I get so excited because I love that we have overlapping passions and we can surf together! I’m sure he will find other passions and things he’s stoked about too, but right now it’s so fun to have something we both love.

2. Remember God’s Grace
As parents, we’re all just figuring it out! And it’s very easy to beat ourselves up or get discouraged when we don’t do something as well as we want to. However, God’s grace is sufficient for us, even in this! I believe that God‘s grace is His ultimate gift to us and His forgiveness calls out to us continually. Recognizing this can carry us forward and help us not get too down about the mistakes of the past.
And in turn, we must extend this grace to others. Forgiveness has been so key in my life, my family, my marriage and now in motherhood too. I’m just so grateful to have that understanding that we’re not going to be perfect and that the Lord is there to help us and give us strength in that.
3. Trust God in the Hard Times
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.“ – John 16:33.
This is one of my favorite verses and I love the first half because it sets up our expectations. We will have trouble in this world. There are going to be hard moments and seasons as parents but, we will not be alone in them. God will be with us! And the best part of life comes in the second half of the verse – that in Him we have peace and we can take heart because He has overcome the world. This is just such a blessing and encouragement! When the tough seasons hit, we can be reminded that we’re a beloved child of God and so His peace is ours. I think when we have our focus on God, then the things we are trying to overcome and navigate become less intimidating because we have the peace of the Lord to carry us through.
I hope this is encouraging to you!
Stay strong out there, moms and dads! I’m cheering you on today to be the awesome parent that I know you are 🙂

If you enjoyed this post, check out my mom’s advice on motherhood! She has some great words of wisdom! 😀
Also, my new children’s book, Surfing Past Fear, just came out! Find out more about my heart behind writing this book here.