Words of Encouragement on Stewardship Part 1: Finances

I often try to think of everything in life as a gift!

I have been given…my body, my relationships, my faith, my home, family, friendships, the beaches I enjoy, and even my finances. Approaching the things in my life as gifts from God helps me stay in a grateful mindset and empowers me to take good care of all I’ve been given.

So let’s talk stewardship.

Stewardship = the job of supervising or taking care of something.

Today I want to focus specifically on financial stewardship. And to be clear I am nooooo expert! I am continually learning and working to change my mindset, so please take what I share with a grain of salt.

“When we surrender every area of our lives – including our finances – to God, then we are free to trust Him to meet our needs. But if we would rather hold tightly to those things that we possess, then we find ourselves in bondage to those very things.” – Larry Burkett

This quote captures something that I talked about with Rachel Cruze in my Unstoppable Life course on Stewardship – seeing our finances as a gift rather than a possession. (Click here if you missed Meet Rachel Cruze – Let’s Talk Stewardship )

A simple re-frame in how we see our finances and possessions can empower us to treat our money as a tool to be used and managed well, instead of something that owns us. There is a lot of freedom in that shift of mindset!

My hope is that you (and I!) can find freedom in a grateful and generous mindset about our finances.

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace…” 1 Peter 4:10

Stay tuned for Words of Encouragement on Stewardship Part 2: Creation.


P.S. If the topic of money makes you feel a bit uncomfortable or intimidated, like it has for me over the years, perhaps the Stewardship Course in my Unstoppable Life Program will get you started on your own road to freedom. This course is safe and joyful and Rachel is here to help you!

© Bethany Hamilton

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