My De-Stress Time

I was feeling really stressed out one morning.

So we decided to get out of the house and find somewhere where we could be alone; where Adam and I could talk about things, and just figure out what’s causing the stress and how to better deal with it.

There are so many healthy ways to unwind and de-stress. My go-to winning combo is talking to a trusted friend in a peaceful setting. Click below to watch a short clip from a recent de-stress outing of me and my family.

It definitely helped just sitting down with him and talking. Meanwhile Tobes was having a blast playing and Wesley was hanging out with us too. And it’s a beautiful day!

When you guys are stressed out, find someone to talk to and deal with it!

Cause if you bottle it up inside it’s not going to get you feeling better.

Keep sharing life! #BethanyStyleHealth

p.s. Dealing with stress is part of training your mind and optimizing your health, which are both topics we cover in the Unstoppable Year online course. Learn more.

p.p.s. Click here for info on the Bethany surfboard.

© Bethany Hamilton

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