Master the Daily
Here is my challenge for you today: Master the daily. Be consistent and dedicated.
If we focus on living well each day, the rest of our story takes care of itself.
God knows what life waves are coming. He’s the master of the ocean and all creation and I trust Him to author my life. I hope the same for you! Remember He is the author of our faith, so hold tight, meditate on His truths, and let go of all the junky stuff!
Here’s what’s exciting: if you master the daily you will master your life.
What does mastering today look like for your day? What good choices or perspectives are you going to live with today?
Being unstoppable means giving every day our best.
P.S. Learn more about how to be your best self each day in my online course, the Unstoppable Year.
Take Action:
Since today is all about taking action, share a picture of yourself doing just that… taking action! Whether that is sitting down to write for five minutes on the book that’s in your head, going for a run, floating out your resume, picking up the phone to get the words off your chest, saying you’re sorry… whatever it might be. How are you going to take action today? Show us or tell us about your action at #BUnstoppable.