Motherhood Update!
Motherhood has been so beautiful and very challenging as of late!
Micah is about 3 months old now. He’s out of this world beautiful and very healthy. We are thankful!
He has also been sooo challenging and hardly sleeps on his own, so that has been stretching me a ton, and teaching Adam and I much patience and perseverance. I’m writing this as Micah is taking his longest ever nap by himself and the big boys are out and about with their cousins and auntie!
Micah is sharing smiles and cooing sweet coos to us and it’s been adorable!
Big brothers have been so great and loving – I’m grateful for that. They enjoy holding Micah, and spending tummy time and bath time with him. I think fostering love between the siblings starts big time in these young days. They seem to love each other…with a bit of scrapping here and there too.
Since Adam and I work from home we have team worked a lot of our life and are always bouncing off of each other and supporting each other and I’m so grateful for his love and support each day.
I’ve been surfing again a little bit and it has been so wonderful and refreshing. I think I fall on about 80% of my waves. It’s a little disheartening; but I’ve been reminding myself it will come back and this is part of the process. I know regaining my strength will help too!
Yes, it’s a beautiful time, and yes there’s been some tears from the tiredness and tediousness of newborn life, and just being stretched by our sweet Micah. We are grateful to God for his daily providence and will continue to trust in Him in the different challenges that come our way!
We are loving and simply stoked on life as a family of five!