How do you view your body with its imperfections and disadvantages? This is a type of question I’ve been asked more than once.
Maybe it’s a slightly obvious question since I have one arm, but I think it’s one that many women, and even men in a different tone, face whether they are asked directly or if they’re asking themselves. The question is actually larger than how we view ourselves with our imperfections or flaws… its really about how we think about physical beauty and ability.
Whenever this question has come up in my life, I go back to the image of a rose.

Not all roses are red. Not all roses are perfect. But all roses have something beautiful about them!
Take off a few of the petals and the rose is still so gorgeous. In the same way, each of us are a beautiful rose: unique, colorful, growing, changing, and reflecting the life that God has given us.
The petals falling off can resemble different things in our lives- the loss of a limb, an eating disorder, or even family pain.
Often we put so much focus on the few petals we’ve lost and that steals from all that we have! God created us (and the roses) and we can celebrate His good work!
As we go through life we may not be “perfect” but there is something gorgeous about each of us (more on this in Why I Love My Body). Life’s not about having everything perfect. Life’s not perfect. But through our imperfections and the things we overcome we can find beauty and uncover the “good stuff” in life.
I say we should go through life making the most with what we’ve got; approaching our whole being, mind and body, in gratitude for its incredible abilities. Being the beautiful roses we are!
When you’re Unstoppable you go through life thankful for your unique beauty!

Let Go of Comparison through my Unstoppable Year online course. Learn to celebrate the uniqueness of you!