​God’s Measuring Stick

Audio Version

(Voice of my hubby, Adam Dirks)

How do you measure success? What comes to your mind?

For everyone it’s different. Many may think: awards, money, happiness, popularity, social media likes… the list goes on.

Here is some food for thought: Maybe our success is simply being who God calls us to be? Living out His word. Accepting His forgiveness. Knowing His truth. Experiencing the freedom that He gives. Being His child. Walking in faithfulness.

1 Samuel 16:7, “But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.’” What a relief that God is not determining our worth or victories based on human benchmarks, metrics or outwardly appearances. He is concerned with our heart; maybe that means how well we love; our character; who we are; who we are becoming; compassion and our devotion to Him. What a different way to live!

When I’m unstoppable, I view myself, my situation and my priorities -not through fickle human assessments – but through God’s eyes.

Pray with me:

Dear God, I’m so thankful that you have a better measurement system than we do. Forgive me for focusing on the things of this world, Thank you for your promises in Psalm 37:4, that if I take delight in you, you will give me the desires of my heart. Today let my desires be in you, to delight in you, to be filled with your joy, happiness, and be in your peace. I love that in you I have everything I need in this life. Amen.

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© Bethany Hamilton

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