Passion for Health

Sometimes our emotions reveal how strongly we feel about a topic.

I was recently caught off guard by some emotions that came up when I was doing a Live Q&A with my Unstoppables (Unstoppable Life Course participants). The topic that made me emotional… Nutrition!

Kids nutrition to be specific.

I am passionate about my faith, my family, my surfing, and most definitely health and nutrition. I feel sad about how many people are struggling with poor health, don’t know where to begin in making healthy changes, and feel fearful of sickness (especially in the year of 2020). I truly wish good health for all! I also believe that everyone CAN make small changes that will have a big impact on their health. Optimizing Health is a topic in my Unstoppable Year Course and you can get a sneak peak about what we talk about here: Meet Dustin

In the Live Q&A I shared 3 concrete things I am working on right now to improve my (and my family’s) nutrition. Perhaps these will jump start your journey and give you some ideas.

  • Stabilize blood sugar by eating within 45 minutes of waking up and then eating every 2-3 hours

  • Focus on eating real food (not packaged), avoiding dyes and preservatives, and focusing on the basics (fruits, vegetables, animal proteins)

  • Beware of vegetable oil additives (sunflower/soybean/safflower oils are clogging our arteries)…instead try cooking with coconut/avocado oil or ghee and butter from humanly raised animals

If you are a parent, fight for your children; THEY’RE BEING ROBBED OF GOOD HEALTH!

I believe the more educated we are on the topic, the more empowered we will be to make healthy choices and love our people well by also protecting them with smart nutritional choices. A few resources that I highly recommend if you want to dive deeper are the book “Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food” by Catherine Shanahan M.D. and following Dustin Dillberg and Jessica Ash on Instagram. Also, soon we will be releasing Unstoppable Life Course topics individually and the Optimizing Health Module is FULL of amazing and empowering material – it’s a great place to start if you are feeling overwhelmed about this topic but know you want to start making some healthy changes in your life.

I am passionate about my health, and yours too!

© Bethany Hamilton

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