How to Cherish Every Season of Life

Adam’s spent the last many years completely supporting me and the boys.

We talked about him doing his own thing for a while, but we felt like it just wasn’t feasible.

We were like, “hey, this is a season of life and right now this works well”. It’s just been the best for our family overall. I wouldn’t even be floating without his support!

It took him about two years to fully embrace this season and role, but now we go to bed at night fully content with life and in love with each other. We know that 10 years from now could look completely different or it could be very similar, but we’re willing to roll with that. We try to come together really frequently to evaluate how everything is working and stay in really good communication about it all. We want to be like-minded and content with the season we’re in and the choices we’re making.

Right now, Adam’s in a season of very full-time dad, but he’s also totally supporting me so much, which I’m SO thankful for!

Our family wouldn’t be functioning very well and I would be so overwhelmed with juggling family, work, surfing and everything else if it weren’t for all he does. He even helps me get on all my zooms and podcasts – technology is a bit hard for me!

Sometimes the season doesn’t look like what we expect it to, but we should be IN it nonetheless. Here’s how:

  • Be open to what it may bring.
  • Look for the good and the beauty in it!

If we get so caught in the expectations of a season of life, we spend our time bummed out that things don’t look the way we envisioned and we miss out on the unique ways God is working in our lives.

This season looks so different than Adam anticipated, but it’s been really amazing for him (and the rest of our family!) in so many ways.

Perhaps your current season is motherhood or fatherhood. Maybe it’s getting through school, working full-time or taking care of your aging parents.

Whatever it is, I know that God is in control of each season and that He will be with you through it all. I encourage you to trust Him in the midst of it and enter in to it.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9

There is beauty and joy to be found in each season of life – cherish it!

© Bethany Hamilton

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