Be Still
There are times for action, movement, striving and working hard, or “hustling” as I like to call it. And there are also times when we need to BE STILL.
Being still can be hard. We aren’t used to being still. We are used to making things happen and being in control. We are used to action, not stillness. Being still requires us to surrender control.
What does it mean to be still? Stillness can look like waiting, trusting, listening, living with patience, pausing, breathing, or resting.
Stillness allows us be honest, to grow, and to re-energize! All things I find to be essential to a healthy life! I encourage you to make time for quiet, away from distraction and the noisy things in this life!
Then, when we are hustling after a renewing time of quiet, we can really, really get things done and feel great about it! Let balance be a focus.
Even in our faith, stillness is important. The Bible speaks to it over and over again:
Be still and know that I am God… (Psalm 46:10)
Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him… (Psalm 37:7)
The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be still. (Exodus 14:14)
God is faithful, full of goodness, and He holds the world and our little lives in the palm of His mighty and capable hand. His faithfulness can calm our fears, bring us hope and allow us to stop striving for his love as we trust in his purpose for our life!
Find time to BE STILL today.