Do I Have What It Takes?
I think it’s safe to say that we all have those moments in our lives where we wonder if we are “good enough”.
“Am I loveable?”
“Do I matter?”
It’s SO easy to compare ourselves to others and feel like we are not doing enough. I think the temptation to feel this way can affect us no matter what age or season we are in. Comparison is a dark cycle that can lead to self-doubt and even tear down our self worth.
But Scripture makes it clear that we don’t have to feel that way! In fact, in Psalm 139, God says that we are all fearfully and wonderfully made!
I have found that when we embrace who we are, and are confident in who God made us to be, we have a greater capacity to love, understand and serve those around us.
Building confidence and self-worth is incredibly relevant in today’s culture. I recently welcomed author and mom Erin Davis to speak with my ‘Ohana mothers and daughters as we dove into the topic of confidence.
Erin is passionate about sharing God’s Truth; she blogs and speaks nationwide to women of all ages, encouraging them to love themselves and their families well.
With so many messages of self-love and self-esteem permeating today’s world, why are millions struggling with lack of confidence, anxiety and depression?
“We are building our identities on the wrong foundation,” Erin says.
Check out this clip as Erin explains how she defines confidence and insecurity from God’s perspective.
“No matter what happens, God loves me. And that will never, ever, ever change. My feet are planted on that foundation.”
“We are treasured by God”
What a beautiful reminder of God’s unchanging love for us!
I also got to share the story of Moses from the book of Exodus in the Bible with the ‘Ohana ladies. Moses was called by God to do something that he didn’t think he could do. He wrestled with his own confidence. But what this story illustrates for us is the fact that whatever God asks of us in our lives, He is faithful to equip and empower us to be able to do it.
Be confident in God’s love, acceptance and unique purpose for you. You can shine and rock it!

P.S. Interested in learning more about my EPIC ‘Ohana Mentorship Program for mothers and teen daughters? We talk through more topics like this with incredible guest speakers, grow in our faith, have TONS of fun, and strengthen our relationships with our moms/daughters! Here is a link with more info!