Dealing with Anger

Hi, Adam here.

Anyone else have a history of anger?

Before I had the outlet of sports to “burn off” some of my steam, I was for some reason or other an angry child that could go ballistic at any moment. Apparently I was quite the handful, or so I’ve been told by a certain loving mother.

Aside from throwing the standard tantrums around nap time, I really let loose on my brothers. I remember one day, my youngest brother Nolan was really antagonizing me, pressing my buttons on purpose, you know how it goes. Before I knew it, I was in a rage. I was chasing him around outside and he somehow was able to get inside the house and lock the door. My mind was in a blur of emotion as he stood on the other side of the door window taunting me. There was no way to get to him. I had only one thing on my mind, to somehow harm him. So without much thinking, the next thing I knew, my fist was flying through the window. Shattered glass was everywhere, and my hand a bloody mess. How did my anger serve me? It left me frustrated, crying, and hurt.

So without much thinking, the next thing I knew, my fist was flying through the window. Shattered glass was everywhere, and my hand a bloody mess.
Going through periods of frustration or anger is totally normal and something we all deal with.

We can often hold grievances against others that don’t agree with us. It’s definitely high tension in the political and social justice realm, and so many people feel strongly across the spectrum. I just want to encourage you to remember we are all human, and to love one another with grace. I love this illustration of what a grievance is… A grievance is when we want to hurl hot coals at someone, make them feel the pain, but in order to do so, we first have to hold those hot coals and we end up harming ourselves.

At times we get angry and frustrated, even to the point where we may intentionally, or unintentionally, harm others with our actions, words, and comments. When we punch through that window pane to insult others, we most definitely end up harming ourselves.

I challenge you to look within yourself and seek ways to love others well with every opportunity.
Adam Dirks

I challenge you to look within yourself and seek ways to love others well with every opportunity. Find ways to talk about touchy subjects in a way that shows you care. When someone disagrees, listen, ask questions that show you really want to hear their point of view, and show that you ultimately respect them and want what is best for them. I’m not only writing this for you, this is something I’m trying to get better at too!

-Adam (Bethany’s husband)

© Bethany Hamilton

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