Celebrating the Opportunity to Give
Growing up, my mom was a super rad mom and she taught my brothers and I that there are lots of people in the world that need love, support or God.
We were not wealthy by any means growing up (my parents were both working two jobs just to stay afloat), but every year for Christmas my parents would prioritize giving back. They would manage to buy a well for a remote community that didn’t have clean water or buy a goat to provide fresh milk for a family in a third world country. My parents wanted to provide in ways that were impactful and long-lasting. In fact, it was my parents that were really the “man-power” behind creating my Beautifully Flawed Foundation. It’s an awesome way that we continue to support and encourage people facing traumatic experiences in their lives.
I really cherish the opportunity to give back to others all through out the year, but especially during the Christmas season. Christmas is a time to celebrate giving back as an expression of our love for God. It’s so awesome!
We love because He first loved us
God gave us the ultimate gift. He sent Jesus down to Earth in the form of a man to die in our place and take the punishment for our sins. Because of this gift, now we can have an eternal life with God!! This is the foundation of my faith and my life.
Jesus says that by caring for others, we are caring for Him.
‘For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in… Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
There are so many people in the world in need.
So, I encourage you to think about what you have right now. How can you use it to bless and give back to others?
Look both in your immediate circle of family and close friends, but also to people you don’t know well or have never even met before! And be creative with it! Even if you are stretched tight financially right now, there are so many other ways that you can bless others.
Perhaps you are a great cook and you can make a meal for a family in your neighborhood that is going through a hard time. Maybe cars are your thing and you help a friend fix their car. Maybe you can afford to buy something, like my family did, for a community in poverty. Or maybe your kids or spouse need a little extra love right now and you find meaningful ways to show them you care.
Don’t get so caught up in the craziness of Christmas shopping that you miss the real reason behind giving!
The world is desperate right now for the love of Christ. I hope you show a little bit of that love to someone today 🙂