Anchoring Your Identity – Words of Encouragement
Identity is that place from which you derive your value. It’s the place from which your actions and self-image emerge.
Identity MATTERS, which is why I devoted an entire course of my Unstoppable Life Program to this important topic. Check out Meet Tim Tebow for a preview of the empowering content from the course, Anchor Your Identity. Or check out a post from last year where I talked about My True Identity as a child of God.
Here are a few words of encouragement about an anchored identity to empower you today. If you aren’t sure what your identity is anchored to, I hope these quotes, or the posts mentioned above, can help you reflect on what shapes you.
(Just a side note- I don’t agree with all the beliefs of all these people quoted below but I liked the quotes…)
An anchored identity doesn’t go up and down with the ups and downs of life.
“And while I may get hurt, disappointed, or frustrated […], my foundation doesn’t have to change.” ―Tim Tebow
“Our identity is not in our joy, and our identity is not in our suffering. Our identity is in Christ, whether we have joy or are suffering.” ―Mark Driscoll
“Struggling is not the identity. You must learn to live while you struggle, such that anyone who sees you can separate the struggle from your life.” ―Unknown
Identity is at the heart of purpose and peace.
“The value of identity of course is that so often with it comes purpose.” ―Richard Grant
“Our true identity is to love without fear and insecurity. Our higher potential finds us when we set our course in that direction. The power of love and compassion transforms insecurity.” ―Doc Childre
Your identity comes from the inside, not the outside.
“Identity cannot be found or fabricated but emerges from within when one has the courage to let go.” ―Doug Cooper
“Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.” ―Steve Jobs … and might I add, more importantly, don’t let the noise drown out the voice and promises of God!
Let me leave you with this amazing promise…
“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.” ―1 John 3:1
Anchor yourself to God’s love and promises and let that core identity encourage and empower you daily. You can be confident in who you are, and value your uniqueness and strengths, enjoying the peace of knowing you are loved by God.