Ohana Sessions /
January 25, 2022

Mother Daughter Communication and Connection

This past week in my ‘Ohana Experience, a mother-daughter mentorship program where your daughter gets to be mentored by me, focused on Mother-Daughter Communication and Connection.

We also spoke about forgiveness and navigating friendships during the teenage years.

Thanks to the love and support of my mom, I was able to overcome my darkest moments. Now that I’m a mother, I see how strengthening myself equips my family for the road ahead. God created you to live an unstoppable life of courage. To add to my voice on the topic, renowned author and expert on raising teenage girls, Kari Kampakis, joined me in our ‘Ohana Private Live event.

Kari Kampakis is a real light and an expert on the subject of mothering and raising remarkable daughters. Through Kari‘s advice, you may find inspiration to be a positive role model to your children and the grace to see yourself through the lens of possibility.

Here is a golden nugget Kari shared with us. Watch her clip here and see the transcription below: 

“What I realized was I didn’t want to be a miserable mama in those teenage years. There’s a narrative out there that we are just here to survive our teenage daughters. And there is a lot of negativity. I am a big believer that we find what we are looking for in the world; and if I think that teenagers are a nightmare then I am not going to enjoy those teenage years. 

There is a quote that has stuck with me that said, “Those final years of your child being at home set the stage for that long term relationship that we will have with them.” We only have them at home for 18 years-but when they leave we can have a friendship with them that lasts 50+ years, and that’s what we are really working towards. So that is what I kept in mind when I looked at my four daughters-to cultivate a long term relationship- so that they would call me and want my advice. “ – Kari Kampakis

Kari spoke wonderfully to us all about the importance of communication and setting the stage for a lifelong friendship with your child in the early years.  She gave the analogy of building bridges in your relationship, one that is sturdy and available so a relationship can grow and maintain connection.

One of 36 of the ‘Ohana mothers from North Hodges, South Carolina, said:

“What a blessing tonight has been! Maggie and I have been so encouraged and blessed! Super thankful for you, Bethany and the way you are taking time to encourage and pour into our lives. Thankful!”

– Sarah McGee

Kari also shared “What Teenage Girls Wish Their Mothers Knew.”  I included it here as a gift to you

Kari places a high importance on a mother’s self-care, getting fed from friends and activities outside their children so that they can pour out at home; this is highlighted in her upcoming book, “More Than A Mom”. 

Together, we reminded the women that God wants a strong mother-daughter relationship even more than we do.  And that you, the mother, no one else, are the perfect, imperfect person to raise your child.

I was blessed by the topic. I also was thankful to spend time with Kari and these dedicated mothers to learn more about connection and communication in one of life’s most important relationships.

Kari is the published author of many amazing books about motherhood. Kari has written three bestselling books, including:

And her fourth book is upcoming, soon to be released, which is, More Than a Mom: How Prioritizing Your Wellness Helps You (and Your Family) Thrive

Kari’s work has been featured on many media outlets including, The Today show, Christian Parenting and The Huffington Post. She also hosts “The Girl Mom” podcast.

She and her husband, Harry, have four daughters, the youngest is 12 years old and the oldest is 19 years old. They also have a female dog named Lola.

I appreciated that Kari reminded us how much our mindset matters in all circumstances including parenthood and how you can see your parents. The markers of grace, connection, and communication are so huge in maintaining healthy relationships.

Encouraging us all to press on and overcome the hurdles to build bridges of connection!

Thank you, Kari!

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