Take Heart
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
In recent podcast interviews for Today’s Mama and Praying Christian Women and Bob Goff’s Dream Big Podcast we spent some time talking about this verse. John 16:33 comes up a lot for me. This is one of my favorite verses so I’ll share a bit about my understanding of it.
I think that often there is an unsaid and unrealistic expectation in our thinking, our hoping, and even in our prayers that life should be easy and free of trial. However, the day-to-day tells a different story. There is trouble, there is our imperfection, there is unavoidable pain in this world – that part of the verse is not telling us anything we don’t already know.
We can be prepared and not surprised when trouble comes our way.
We can have peace, take heart and take hope in Christ and His gift to us!
Jesus Christ died on the cross, took upon the sin of the world, and overcame sin and death on our behalf. This is our gift to receive and take comfort in daily and forever.
When times get rough, I often take hope in this truth and trust that God has already set us free and the momentary struggles we face now are simply momentary. We can endure.
God has overcome the trouble in this world and with Him we can have peace!
By the Grace of God we can be UNSTOPPABLE!!!