Written by my hubby, Adam Dirks
“Hun, we need to get a pregnancy test…” Bethany said. Insert eyes wide open emoji face. Life is about to get real!
Bethany and I knew her emotions and everything were just a little off kilter, something was up and we had to kill the suspicions. I ran to the store and bought a test, as sneakily as I could so no one at the store could see. She took the test, covered it up, sat down, and nervously waited.
The suspense in the room was thick. When we uncovered it…it was positive! “Wait wait wait, that was an off brand test,” I told Bethany. “Let me go back to the store and get the more expensive one!” I came back with two more. All came out positive. Shock, mixed with a little joy, mixed with feelings of unknown depths. This was a defining moment in our lives. We were becoming parents, nothing was ever going to be the same. Bethany and I had entered into a new role, a new identity, and we were filled with unknown wonder, joy, and excitement.
Bethany and I had entered into a new role, a new identity, and we were filled with unknown wonder, joy, and excitement.
Similarly, when we come to faith in Jesus Christ, we enter into a new role. John 1:12 says that all who have received Him have become children of God. We have become a part of His family. This is incredibly good news! But sometimes we can feel lost and unsure of how to live out our faith, just like when Bethany and I found out we were going to be parents and didn’t know exactly what it looked like to enter into this new reality.
In Matthew 5:13 Jesus says, “You are salt of the earth…”, and this is one of our main roles as Christians. Faith in Christ puts you in a position to be something very valuable to the world…salt. While salt seems so mundane, it is incredibly essential. Our bodies need salt (electrolytes) to survive. Food needs salt to taste better. Salt has the power to preserve what is good. When we take on our new identity in Christ, we have also taken on the role of being salt to this earth. We are to preserve the values that Christ has given to us: love, joy, mercy, peace, kindness, humbleness, and self-control.
Being salt doesn’t mean taking on the whole world; you can simply be a loving neighbor to your friends, family, and others you meet. When Jesus told us that we are the salt of the earth, He was saying that you are of value to everyone around you when you display His love to others. How awesome!

Bethany and I are still figuring out the whole parenthood thing, but each day we lift it up in prayer and ask for God’s help and guidance. I encourage you to continually turn to God’s Word, read what He says about being a part of His family.
Being unstoppable means asking God to continually shape you and show you how to be salt in this world.
[For more practical tools and examples to help you be salt in your world check out the Unstoppable Year Course.]
Take Action:
After you read, join the conversation by sharing which heavenly values -love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, self-control- you most identify with, and which you find the hardest to live out! #BUnstoppable