Pregnancy Focused Workout Moves I Love

2020 reminded us how little control we have over life and it gave all of us the chance to overcome by adapting.

There are SO MANY inspiring stories of how people dug deep and got creative in order to adjust or pivot in 2020. Challenge can truly bring out the best in us. I encourage you to take a few minutes to think about (or even write down) how you adapted in 2020 and feel proud of yourself!

Finding out we were expecting Baby 3 was such a source of joy and light for us in a really challenging year. With pregnancy comes a lot of adapting and that applies to working out too. In October I filmed a Pregnancy workout for FB and we wanted to share it on the blog too because you definitely don’t have to be pregnant to benefit from these exercises!


First, a few motivational tips.

Listen to your body. It is extra important to listen to your body when you are pregnant, but we should strive to do this all the time. Being in tune with your body can help prevent injury and help you maximize the impact and fun factor of your workouts. I am definitely taking it easier this pregnancy than with my first, and if I’m super tired, I will listen to that fatigue and rest instead of pushing through it. Be gentle and kind to yourself.

Keep moving. A workout doesn’t have to be an organized, pre-planned masterpiece. You can piece together a workout just by keeping your body moving for 10-30 minutes. No amount of time is too short, or wasted, when it comes to a little exercise. Your body will thank you for any moves and stretches you can put together. The spirit of this “just flow it” workout is exactly that – keep moving, break a sweat, go with the flow – and don’t forget to have fun or try to embrace it if working out is not your version of fun!

Yoga Ball. This is my top recommendation for a home gym purchase. I use a ball throughout this workout (you can substitute with a chair or couch if needed). I highly recommend getting a yoga ball for at-home workouts, there is so much you can do with it!

Alright, whether you are pregnant or not, I hope you enjoy this quick and gentle hip focused* workout! And keep an eye out for the little baby chick we adopted – he makes a few cameo appearances.

Here is a brief summary of the workout – move by move:

  • Bounce (get blood flowing, keep centered and loose)
  • Hip Circles
  • Sitting Cat and Dog (on ball – stretching upper back)
  • Ab work (modified)
  • Gentle Squats
  • Side Leg Lifts, Back Leg Lift (use wall for balance, pointed toe, switch sides/legs)
  • Wall Sit (90 degree angle)
  • Cat and Dog (try to do this every single day, arch and round)
  • Knee Squats (glute work)
  • Low Squat and hold (keep posture upright)
  • Sway (wide stance – arms up, even with head, back and forth, gentle ice skater)
  • Lunges (using ball)
  • Ground work – bridges, scissors

Some of these moves were also included in 5 Moves I Wish I Did Every Day posted back in October – check it out. Remember to listen to your body and just keep moving! Keep it simple and fun and go with the flow!



*This is the book I mentioned: “Pain Free for Women” by Pete Egoscue


p.s. If you like this workout — check out the Workout Series Adam and I just launched!! I’ve spent a large part of my life training with the best, learning about my body, and learning the answers to those questions. I’ve condensed the most valuable insight into exercising and made it accessible & approachable for you!

© Bethany Hamilton

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