Meet Tim Tebow

I have so enjoyed spending time with some really rad people while filming for my Unstoppable Year Course.

We set out to bring you experts, and individuals who are living out honorable, focused and contagious lives with stories to share that would encourage, inspire, and equip you. Even if you aren’t signed up for the Unstoppable Year, I hope you are enjoying “meeting” my guests here on the blog and getting a few nuggets of wisdom from the things that they’ve shared.

My guest for the Anchor Your Identity course is someone who you might have heard of over the last 10 years or so. Especially if you are a football or baseball fan. But for those of you, like me, who know more pro surfers than NFL or MLB players, I’d like you to meet Tim Tebow. Tim is an American professional baseball player (New York Mets), former professional football player (Denver Broncos, New York Jets, New England Patriots and Philadelphia Eagles), 3x NY Time best-selling author, international speaker, and ESPN sports broadcaster.

In addition to his professional accomplishments Tim is incredibly proud of his foundation, the Tim Tebow Foundation, that operates with the mission, “To bring Faith, Hope and Love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need.”

The reason I wanted to sit down with Tim and talk Identity is because (like me) Tim has a strong passion for living with integrity, overcoming challenges, and anchoring his identity to the unchanging love of Christ; and he’s written a book about it!

Identity is that place from which you derive your value. It’s the place from which your actions and self-image emerge. Tim has achieved a lot, and been through a lot; he has learned that his identity can’t be wrapped up in what he accomplishes or what people say about him. The hope is that our identities are unshakeable, in our best times and in our worst times.

And while I may get hurt, disappointed, or frustrated…my foundation doesn’t have to change.
– T​im Tebow

Here are a few highlights of my conversation with Tim that I hope help you to reflect on your identity and also bring you some encouragement today…

  • Don’t let your identity go up and down with the ups and downs of your life.
  • You can be confident in who you are, and value your uniqueness and strengths, enjoying the peace of knowing you are loved by God.
  • When you are going through something tough remember it is not the end of the journey, it’s just a piece of the story, and if you quit you never know what could happen, what you will miss, and when the breakthrough will happen.
  • God will never waste our pain when we give it to Him.
  • If your not of faith let your identity be placed in a life of values and good virtues.
  • Those around us need our best and when we are solid in our identity they can receive the benefits of that.
You never know how the tough times you are going through today will inspire someone else tomorrow.
– Tim Tebow

Our identity and how we view ourselves deeply affects every area of our life. It is often the source of our actions and attitudes and shapes our view of the world and everyone else in it. It is also something we don’t spend a lot of time thinking about. In the course, we lead you through exercises in writing identity statements, defining the values you want to form you and your identity, and identifying the good and bad anchors that can shape us.

Identity deserves time, attention and reflection, which is why we devoted time in the course to the delve into this topic. We’d love to have you join us and spend some solid time reflecting on what makes you YOU and thinking about where you are anchoring your life.


For recent posts on identity check out My True IdentityMade For Wonderful Things… Taking Shape.

© Bethany Hamilton

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