How to be TRULY Unstoppable
Being unstoppable isn’t about being perfect or having it all together at each and every moment of every day.
It is about getting back up and continuing to go when the hardest moments of your life – those crazy shark attack type of moments – hit. They are the moments when you think, “what in the world!?” or “that was not my plan, God what are you doing?!”
His plan is so much greater than ours and we can look to Him to be our peace and strength through challenging times.
Sometimes the hardship is looking at yourself in the mirror and realizing that you made a really poor decision. Humbly accepting that you messed up might be the most difficult of all.
But no matter what happens, we can move forward with Him.
We keep paddling, so to say.
I like the paddling analogy because I’m a surfer. Sometimes when you are surfing and it just feels like the ocean is against you. You are paddling and paddling, your muscles are burning, there’s another set wave about to crush you, and your mind is thinking, “I’m so over this”. But there is always another good wave to be had so you push through and keep going.
Here’s a video showing a moment when I was frustrated and discouraged with surfing:
This is how it can be in life sometimes too.
I think the enemy is always trying to get in our head by building up fears and lies inside of us – things that are not from God.
However, we can have the Peace of God radiating through us no matter what so that we can push through. When we keep our minds and hearts pointed to the God of all creation, we have the strength to be Unstoppable. Yes, the things in your life might be insanely tough, but you can still have the hope and steadiness that comes with Christ.
“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”
Isaiah 26:3
You can choose how you view the world. You can prepare your heart and mind so that when everything hits the fan, you can be Unstoppable and move forward.
Here are a few practical things to try if you are in a season that just feels unending and hard:
- Lean into God‘s Word. How can you learn more about His Word and connect with Him? Read a Psalm in the morning and before bed! Listening to online sermons from a Biblically solid pastor, starting a Bible study with friends, and trying my free Deepen Your Faith Course are just a few options!
- Get plugged into your local church. It’s so important to have community around us to support us and point us to Christ during hard seasons.
- Try new things and find something that gets you excited. Do it with a friend or family member to make it more meaningful.
- Get inspired by Overcomer Nick Vujicic in my Overcome Your Obstacles course.
- Practice Thankfulness. Look for the good and beautiful things that God has placed in your life.
I’m cheering you on to live Unstoppable through Christ who strengthens us!

P.S. Check out my Unstoppable Documentary (covering my life from childhood to motherhood) here!