Green Super~Human Soup
⏱️ Cooking Time 15 mins |
🍽️ Servings 4 |
🍋 Health Benefit Gluten Free, Dairy-Free, Nutrient Rich |
I have two little super humans in my life, so it’s really important to me that the food they put in their bodies will fuel not only phenomenal health as they grow, but also all of their next level adventures.
Packed with all of the green plant power-players (Broccoli, Kale, Asparagus, Spinach, Avocado) this soup takes SUPER up a notch. Super nutritious ✔️. Super delicious ✔️. Super easy to make ✔️.
Ingredients to go in pot:
- One small head of Broccoli
- 10 Asparagus (trim rough end off)
- 5 leafs of Kale with stem
- 3 cloves of Garlic
- 1 TBS of fresh Rosemary (dried will do)
Or any extra herbs like parsley, basil or oregano, or a mix - Two strips of Kombu Seaweed
Ingredients to go in blender:
- 2 large Avocados (approx. 1 1/2 cup of avo)
- Half cup of bone broth (I happen to have turkey on hand so I used that, but any can do), or go with a veggie broth if you prefer
- One X-large handful of sprouted or soaked almonds (or any nut or seed)
- 2 TBS Flax seeds
- 1 cup or 1 X-Large handful of fresh Spinach
- Sea salt to taste (approx. 2 tsp)
- 1 TSP of fresh Lemon or lime
The night before – soak raw almonds (or any nut/seed) in water overnight.
Day of – Boil about 2 cups of water in a pot. Place kombu, fresh rosemary and garlic in pot. Then quickly blanch asparagus and kale; after that, do broccoli a bit longer (til tender) in the same water. Then transfer to blender with the rest of ingredients, including water and kombu etc, and blend till smooth. Add sea salt to taste.
Blender soups are easy and very forgiving to make. No need to be perfect with the ingredients. You can always substitute different ingredients if desired and use what you have on hand. Just trust your taste buds and have fun with it!
p.s. Eating well is so so important! We’ll walk through the basics in Month 3 of the Unstoppable Year. Join me!