God’s Unshakable Love
Romans 8:38-39, “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Nothing can separate us from the love God has for us.
How amazing to know these words can bring us peace and be a powerful reminder that we can overcome. This deserves repeating. Nothing – not our fears, not our insecurities, not the actions of others, not our families, not our failures, not our “unworthiness,” not even death – can truly separate us from the love of God. This means we are never without hope. Our situation is never too bad, too far gone, too bleak, too ugly, or too messy for God and His amazing grace.
The enemy and past/present human pain can tempt us to keep our hearts walled off, closed up, or shut down in efforts to protect ourselves. Satan and all evil are constantly speaking lies to us all, so we need to be on guard and surround ourselves with truth.
Don’t believe the lies that you aren’t worthy, that this type of love isn’t real, or that God doesn’t care about your situation. God calls us out of this fear, away from these lies, and into faith. It’s only in receiving God’s gifts of love and grace (and this is a repeated process) that true and lasting healing, unshakeable love, and transformation enters into our life.
Thanks to this scripture, even when we can’t feel it or are caught in a moment of unbelief, we can be sure that God’s love is always there. The most wonderful truth we can know is that God’s love is constant…yesterday, today, and forever!
Being Unstoppable means holding fast to the truth that God’s love is constant and always present.