Discover Hope in the Hard Things
We all have a story. And we are currently living it out. Gradually twisting and turning with sweet victories and sometimes bitter defeats. A mixture of honey and salt, like lemons and lemonade.
Large or small, we encounter challenges as we live out our stories. Maybe you know “salt” as trials, tribulations, tests, traumas, hurdles, bumps in the road, setbacks, or heartbreaks. But regardless of the name, these more difficult aspects of life are part of the human experience. Where we differ is in whether we let the hard things we encounter define us. Does this salt enhance the flavor of our life or is it overpowering and making it something we can’t quite stomach?
My story shifted significantly when I was 13. Faced with a trauma that altered my body, I had to answer: how will this affect my story? Fortunately, back then I had a steadfast mindset that presented only one option: move forward in faith and trust that out of bad can come good.

Without knowing it I maintained a perspective that was focused on achieving the outcomes I wanted. This involved refusing to entertain negative self-talk or self-doubt, all of which came knocking in my weaker moments. But that’s not the story I wanted, so I clung to the one I did, and eventually… I achieved it and more!
Daily I receive emails from men and women looking for real answers, seeking information beyond the search button. People who are hurting, struggling, and searching. People who are longing for connection or are stuck in painful cycles. People who experience self-defeat or have been knocked down repeatedly by the most trying of life circumstances. People who are deep in the salty things of life, not tasting anything close to something resembling lemonade.
But they haven’t given up! They are still here, reaching, seeking, and asking. They know, just as I’ve discovered, that there is something greater being written in our stories beyond painful external circumstances.*
You see, greatness does exist… just not as it’s defined by our culture. Greatness isn’t wealth, or fame, or status. Greatness is taking the second, third, fourth chances available to us. It’s growing, changing, adapting and achieving beyond our perceived limits. It’s turning lemons into lemonade. It’s living Unstoppable. That’s my lemonade… living a life that is unstoppable. A life that is focused on my passions and fueled by my beliefs.
Greatness is taking the second, third, fourth chances available to us. It’s growing, changing, adapting and achieving beyond our perceived limits. It’s turning lemons into lemonade.
The story isn’t just happening to us, we also have power! We get to be the authors of our stories too. Maybe more like contributing authors and editors, but still; writing parts of our stories with the choices we make, the mindsets we craft, and the actions we take towards our dreams and goals. We can let the challenges of our lives dictate our course, OR we can face them head-on and live the life we choose. No, we can’t avoid challenges, but with Christ we can turn pain into power, purpose, and passion.
Ready to take your first step to living Unstoppable? Join me as I share more of my story as well as some incredibly practical techniques to crush self-doubt, anchor to the truth about yourself, and let your confidence soar. It’s totally free and a gift I’d love to share with you.
*Click Here to Join the Global Community Event*
Let’s do this together! Lemonade anyone?

*If your reading this and feeling like giving up… Please DON’T give in and don’t give up!