2021 Reminders – Stay Strong
Life is different since the world was rocked by things out of our control last year.
Different in some good ways, and different in some difficult ways. 2020 went so slowly for me when things started suddenly changing.
In Kauai we are still experiencing obstacles like reduced tourism, which is increasing financial strain on businesses and individuals. I know that on the mainland, and around the world, people are still working from home, kids still aren’t back in school, and people continue to be separated from their family members.
I also know that many people have made big positive decisions in their life in the past year, and many have used the upsets of 2020 as a catalyst for change and even found great joy in the midst of the challenges.
There is a quote (I believe it is credited to President Jimmy Carter) that I really love, that says:
We must adjust to changing times and still hold to unchanging principles.
This is SO true. The world is constantly changing, but we can and we must cling to unchanging values and an unchanging God in order to adjust. No matter our changing circumstances, we can choose to love, seek joy, be present, adapt, and wake up with gratitude. We can find purpose by continuing to look outward and serving others.
I just want to encourage you today and let you know that I am thinking of you as many continue to deal with the changing times and the financial, relational, health, and physical impacts related to this pandemic. Even a year later, many of the words we’ve shared on this blog continue to apply to our circumstances today and I think it’s because they are anchored to unchanging values.
Perhaps there are reminders you need to hear today found in some of the words we shared with you in 2020:
If you find yourself in quarantine again due to exposure or travel or illness… Find Peace and Use Your Time Well: 12 Ideas for Self-Quarantine
Control what you can and work on boosting that immunity… Immunity Boosting Tips
When things feel crazy, we can breathe, choose gratitude, and maintain perspective… Keeping a Level Head in Crazy Times
If overwhelm hits, try going outside, moving your body, and praying… Dealing with Overwhelm
Remember God’s promise in John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world”… Take Heart
And most importantly, remember that God loves you NO MATTER WHAT and literally NOTHING can separate you from His great love… God’s Unending Love
And hey!…chocolate always helps too (in moderation – he he)… Easy Chocolate Truffles Recipe
We CAN keep clinging to unchanging principals and values that will help us adjust to the ever-changing times.