Awaiting The Swell

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit.” ~ Aristotle

I like to get in the ocean every day.

My mornings usually involve nursing my cuddly baby and morning kisses from Tobias and Adam. Once out of bed, I step over piles of laundry, ninja navigate around toys as I make my way to the kitchen where I throw something green and protein packed in the blender and wait for my hubby Adam to make us some coffee, mmm.

Next, we either load into the truck (all four of us!) and head to the beach to check the surf and let the kids play while Adam and I take turns surfing, or I strike mission it by myself for a couple of hours. If there are fun waves, I’m out there! If on the other hand it’s junky, I’ll go run the beach and do a workout on the sand. Either way, every day I’m training, getting ready for the big waves that are coming.

And not just ready, I want to dominate those waves, big or small. I want to feel the incredible thrill of being the best I can be on every wave.

Just like in surfing I practice my faith in the daily, so when the moments of trial come I am ready for the battle.

If the big waves come and my muscles are flabby, it’s too late, I’m going to get smoked or pounded. Or if the big trials of life come and I haven’t been building my spiritual muscles I am likely to get emotionally and spiritually wrecked.

My unstoppable charge for today: master the daily and you will master your life.

God assures us in Psalms 34:4, “I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears” and in Deuteronomy 4:2, “if I seek you with all my heart and soul, that I will find you.”

Jesus, Help me to seek you every day. May I train my mind and heart the same way I train my muscles. Fill me with your truth. -Amen.

So let’s cling tight to Jesus every day because He is our ultimate muscle strengthener. He is the master of the daily, the author and finisher of our faith, and He has us in the palm of His hand. In Him we are ready for the tough stuff in life.

When you’re unstoppable, each day is an opportunity to move closer to your dreams.


Take Action:

Share with me how you encourage yourself to go after the big waves of your life at #BUnstoppable .

I’m curious how you master each day. What simple life hacks, habits or mindsets help you keep going? What insights or Ah-Ha’s did you glean from this, starting with the things you can put into action now?

© Bethany Hamilton

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